It didnt end there, i still kept the conversation going on, i still wanted more but this time its something i will need to get trickishly. ”so what kind of songs do you like?” i asked, ” every kind, hip pop, r n b, dance all and the rest, as a music student you need to” she said smiling, ”its true my dear, lemme go through your phone and see the kind of songs you have, i really dont have much on mine” i said, she passed me her fone, i went straight to her phone book searched for Sly and ‘yes’ got his number, went to her pictures, she had a few of his pixes, i sent two codedly to my phone, as i did that i still engaged her in conversations, ”so why do you like me, we barely just met” i asked, ”seriously i dont know, am just drawn to you” she replied(smiling), i walked to were she was, held her from behind(trying to be romantic,just trying to draw her attention from our previous chats, girls their head can boot anytime), placed my hands around her waist ”choose any song and i ll sing it for you” i said calmly, ”hmmm, loverboy, just sing anyone” she said(always smiling showing off her dimples), i sang her OJB’s ‘Beautiful as you are’, as i caressed her by the waist, she fell for it, i sang her some more songs and when she couldnt take any of them no more, she turned around, placed both hands on my shoulders, while my hands still held her by the waist, we kissed for a while and then she said ”do you know have always been watching you, people talk about you about you alot been good at playing the Piano, but i just didnt like you cos i was always seeing you with different girls, i see you as a flirt not till that that day we both got slapped, i just respected you for standing up for me”, i was quiet for a while ”nothing special, they are my students i said(laughing), she was going to continue but that wasnt the right time, i covered her lips with my mouth, and then moved my hands to her boobbs, we had it going on and before i knew it, she pulled down her skirt and undies, while i unziped my pants and brought out my Bianpolo, bent her back with her hands leaning on the sink, i thrusted from behind as we had a quicky.
After that she continued with the food and after she was done she said she was leaving, that she had to prepare for her exam the next day, i wore a shirt, saw her off, watched as her bike left. I stopped the next available bike ”Grammar School howmuch?” i asked, ”50 naira the bike man said”, i sat and i was off to Chuk’s place. As i got there Chuks was outside with the other guys just infront of the hostel doing the usual hemp smoking thing, i paid the bike i walked towards where they were as they hailed me ”Kenny Danger, Desert Tormentor”, we exchanged the usual frat Pleasantries and it was straight to business what took me there, ”Shey una remember the guy wey i tell una say slap me few days ago after one of my papers?” i asked, ”eennn yes” they chorused, ”wetin happen” Solo asked, ”for like 2days now i dey strave that em babe, she break up with am dat day wey the thing happen sha, and i don enter her system spiritually, she don voice out the intell them wey i want” i said, everybody bursted into laughter, while they hailed and called me names, ”Desert Tormentor, Action man, wetin be the intell” Chuks asked ” Baba the guy name nah Sly, English and Linguistics 300level, Address- King’s Palace around campus two,em pix and phone number dey with me like this” i annalysed, everyone shouted and hailed again, ” nah to strike the idiot remain nah” Flames added, ”guy calm down, nah strong man too, i need one Black bra to do a job for me” i said, Chuks rushed me ”for wetin?”, ” Capo everything nah Akunoche, i need her(the black bra) to go close to the guy, find out were em belong, the exact room where he leaves and when em dey stay for house and when he is not at home” i said, everyone was Silent for a while ”i swear i dove for you, you dey reason” Perry said(one of us there), Chuks brought out his phone ”Ebere where you dey? Come caba now now, e get wetin you wan do for me” he said and hung up.
10 to 15mins later a bike dropped a slim pretty girl, she came to where we were hailed us and sat next to Chuks, ”ken tell am” he said, i brought out my phone viewed his pix, gave it to her ”the guy step on the Viper’s tail, name-Sly, English and Linguistics 300level, i want you to go close to him, get his exact room address, were em belong, when em dey dey house and when he is not at home, no linkages, no loose ends, i narrated, ”ok i know, have done it before” she said, ”Ebere collect Ken number make you dey inform am as e dey go” Chuks said, so she did, then passed my phone for others to get a glimse of his face as well, ”so badman wetin you go use em number do?” Flames asked, ”you go know soon no worry” i replied, as everyone laughed it off.
It was getting late so i bade everyone farewell, Solo saw me off, i took a bike i headed straight home.

Exam kept everyone busy, my roomy(Esosa) had returned from Benin the next day to continue his papers, he was tall dark skinned, red lips and very handsome, and he had the best sweetest mouth that could manipulate any Lady, he was really good at it, at the times we hung out together, he didnt have to think of what to say to women, it just flowed naturally, it got to a point i even thought he was using some sort of Jazz(fertish means), he had more game than i did, sometimes i was even scared to leave my woman with him cos something happened that almost tore our friendship apart, guys would always be guys, we settled, patched our friendship, but that connection that use to bind us together lost his taste. Tina came to see me one-day, before then i had been telling Esosa about Tina, how we met and how we ve been doin stuffs ever since, so he’s been wanting to meet her, so that day Tina came they were meeting for the first time, but i have allowed Esosa speak with Tina on phone those times we had a long conversation, ”Tina this is my roomate i have been telling you about, Esosa” i said introducing them, since they ve talked on phone before, they got along well, ” I dey come make i buy our visitor something”, i rushed out while Esosa kept Tina company, but on my way i had realised that i had hastingly left without my wallet in my back pocket, so i hurried back, as i got to front of my door, i just got a crush to wait a while and listen to their conversation,(that awkward feeling you get), it rhymed with my mood at that monent so my brain obeyed my body. I stood at the door and was listening to them both, i heard Esosa’s voice ”Do you know you are a very pretty girl” he asked her, ” thanks” she replied, ” am serious i mean it, before a guy would admit something like that know you swept him off his feet, thats what happened when i saw you” he said again oo,(where this guy dey drive this motor dey go i was asking myself), ”thanks’ she answered, ”you know what we could hang out if you dont mind, shey you hang out nah?, but it will be on low key so Ken wont know, you dont have to tell him everything” he said, ”and why will i want to do that, is he not your friend?” she asked, ”thats why i said you dont have to tell him, take, here’s my fone just put your number there”(guess he must have slided or passed his phone for her), he said”, ok no p”(guess she typed, lol, i don suffer) here’s it have saved it” she said, ”na so sure babe, theres no big deal there, what name did you save it with” he asked, ” my name Tina, i wonder what name u would have wanted me to use” she replied(he laughed after she said that), i went in, or whatelse do i want to hear again? Nothing, ”i stupid ooo, i don almost they reach Madam Grace shop finish before i notice say i no carry my wallet” i said, he faked laughing ”na wa for you ooo” he said, i went to the bedside where i always hid it, it wasnt there, ‘then definitely i must have left it in the pants i wore the previous day, so i thought’, i went to my woderobe searched for it, found it and as i was leaving Tina winked at me.(what the fukkk was that, like she knew i was at the door, na lie jare, i said to myself”, ”should i come with you” she asked(laughing hysterically), i was wondering what was funny), ”you are my guest i will treat you right”(abi you dey fear make i no poison your drink i said to my self, you never know as he dey i go clear una doubt), i went, got her a bottle of malt and one shortbread( i know say una go say me wey like wahala, wait nah, you no if at the end i go burst am for Esosa head?), i came back, went to the Kitchen, got a plate then put the biscuit on top(nah my mama teach me, for Kwale, Delta State them dey call am Kola), i offered her d Malt and the Kola, the babe was so relaxed eating the biscuit, drinkin the malt with confidence, Esosa was even more confident gisting and engaging her in conversations, making her laugh, i was boiling(guy table the matter, my good and bad in my mind were waging war against eachother BRING AM!, NO BRING AM!, GUY BRING AM NAH YOU DEY FEAR!, MTWEEW, HIM NO REACH NAH?, it kept on going for a while, i almost had heart attack, the war would have killed me sef, but at the end nobody won they kept fighting till i saw Tina off.
As i was walking her down to get a bike ”Kenny did i offend you, you dont look happy” she said, ”what make’s you think am not happy, do i look sad”(faking a laugh) i asked her, ”your rommate is not a good person” she said, ”and y did you say that” i asked her pretendin not to know anything ”the idiot was telling us to hangout on low key without you knowing, he asked for my number and i typed your number and saved it with my name, am not stupid, tell him i told you, if he deny’s, call me and i ll say it in front of you him,(cold catch me, you are the girl i said inside, ” i swear if you had’nt told me, i for hurt you and still let you know why i hurt u’ i said.

CLick here fo episode 11


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