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”Ken am not as bad as you think, i have never cheated on my boyfriend not till i met you” she said, ”at least that should mean somethin to you, i dont know am just attracted to you, i find myself trying to stop all that stuff going on between us but yet cant control it” she added, ”please dont go fighting him, the way you dealt with that guy that slapped you when you came to my place” she continued, i was just laughing(cos nah only me know wetin i carry for mind), ”Tina have heard you, you ve proven yourself to me and i respect that” i said, ”the fool was even telling me there’s money that he was going to spend on me, he was goin to flex me and all that” she said,(so the guy continue after i come carry my wallet, the anger don begin increase), ”Tina later now, ‘Bike’ ” i shouted, a bike came, i payed for it as she sat ontop, ”i will call you maybe we could hangout tonight, pecked her before the bike zoomed off ” i ll be expecting your call(shouting as the bike was zooming off), wetin i go do dis guy em no go believe, as you get game reach, you disrespect me reach the extent sotey nah me you do this kind thing for(talking to myself as i was walkin back to my room).
As i got in i went straight to where his phone was, took it, went to his phone book and was searchin for Tina, to be sure she saved my number truly with her name, ”Guy wetin happen, abeg gimme my phone” trying to take his phone 4rm me, ”Oga calm dwn first” i said,(pushing him back with one hand), i had seen what i was looking for, Tina wasnt lying, ”Guy so you carry this your despicable attitude come where my woman dey, you no even fear sef, or you dey feel say because you be my guy i no go fit do you anything shey?” i asked, he was quiet steering at me, i went to the door, locked it behind us, then slipped the key into my pocket, so just incase i hear what ll infuriate me more and it turns into a fight, the neighbours will only just hear us fighting but wont be able interfere, my eyes were already red like i had just finished smoking one bag of Indian hemp, ” i stand for door when you dey yarn the babe all those crap nah, abi you wan deny?” i asked, he still kept quiet looking at me like when you catch a child redhanded stealing meat from the pot, ”Guy answer nah or shey you want make i clear your doubt?” i asked(angrily), ”no vex, i think say you no like the babe” he calmly said, ”e concern you? How that one take disturb you?, guy see for your life make e no ever happen again, if not i go treat you f.up so real, fucking jew man, God just save you say we be roommate” i said angrily, went to the door opened it and strolled out.
We forget about it but my trust for him was already dead, i still kept it in mind but with no intentions of hurting him with the belief he had learnt his lessons.
Everyone was focused on exams, so i couldnt continue Drilling 101 with Susan and with the fact Esosa was around made things kinda difficult, she also had an elder Sister, she wasnt always around cos she was a runz girl(girls that sleep with guys for money), but she was around fully during this period of exams.
I stayed back after exams, Esther(the girl that gave me my first sex) came around to see me in School, Esosa was still around then, she came on a friday, Esosa, one of his gf’s, Esther and myself hung out that day at Mudi Beach, it was fun, we both booked a room and slept there that night. On Saturday, we went back home except for Esosa’s gf that went back to her hostel, Chuks called me during the day, informing me there was a gathering till dawn that night, that it was the last for the semester, but my p was how do i leave Esther alone till the next day, i ran out of lies to tell, i called Esosa, he knew who i was so there was no need hiding anything, i told him the the development, ”i go cover up for you, i go just find one lie tell am, if you show tomorrow una 2 go sort una self out” he said, ”na em be say you go gats sleep here nah, idiot i no tell you make you ynash am ooo, this time i go just kill you i swear” i said, ”stop nah, i dey craze?, no bring that old issue up, e don pass” he said, ”oya nah help me keep am company till i show” i said, with the almighty belief that what happened in 1960 wouldnt repeat itself, we settled that part, and i was glad he had me covered.
Around 8pm that night, i left in a hurry telling Esther i was coming, but knew i wouldnt come back. I showed up the next day around like 7am, after the gathering, i had to take a nap. I got back home, knocked for a while but it took Esosa and Esther time before they opened(i was already geting suspicious something had happened cos i dey fear the guy), i noticed his pants wasnt properly zipped, Esther was still forming sleep, my eyes was going round everywhere and finaly it meet wat looked like a torn part of a condom sachet(very tiny) at the end of the bed, (una no smart reach), i picked it up, ”Guy wetin b dis? ”i asked

As i picked it up”Guy wetin be this?” i asked, ”wetin be that?” he asked me back, i placed it on my palm, went very close to him, ”look am well, abeg wetin be this?”, ”nah pieces of cd, nah you use am, e go be say you no sweep that bed side well the last time you run package, e go don hide for that corner make you no see am” he said(walked back to the bed, sat down and leaned his back against the wall), i stood in the middle of the room lookin at him as he gazed back, then i had a recap in my head ‘the last time i had sex was with Salma and it was in the Kitchen and i disposed the cd and its pack myself, and the last girl i had something to do with on the bed was Susan but i didnt use a condom, since Esosa came back he hasnt brought any girl home, this guy is messing with me, those were the thoughts going through my head as we kept gazing at eachother’, Esther was still sleeping(i knew she was forming it), after all my thoughts i know i wasnt wrong, so this guy fukkked a girl that came to look for me all the way from Lagos, what the fuck did he tell her, ”guy so you fkkk this babe shey” i asked him as i moved closer, as he was trying to stand up from the bed, i angrily kicked his head to the wall, it was so loud that the person forming to be sleeping stood up, i pulled out the big standing mirror from the wall, i was burning with fury, she reached for the door and ran outside immediately, i slammed the mirror on his head, the sound of glass noises alerted others, as funny has it was the dude couldnt defend himself, the force of the slam gave him a cut at one side of his fore-head, ”so after i tell you make you no ynash am, i warn you the first time, abi i no wan you?” shouting at the top of my voice, i couldnt help myself but threw him punches as he raised his hands trying to cover his face, the noise drew the attention of the neighbours, ”wetin dey happen, wetin dey happen” i hear the neigbours asking themselves, ” nah them Ken and Esosa place e dey come from o” they continued, all this while i was busy slugging it out with Esosa, ” wait wait make i tell you abeg, see see i no mean am” he was stammering, the fact he knew i had caught him made him defendless, i had bursted his mouth open, i felt like just putting a bullet in his Skull. A few neighbours rushed inside, trying to seperate us, i held him on the shirt i was dragging him around the room, we scattered everywhere ” i no warn you before? Dem use toto swear for you?” i was still raking at the top of my voice(and i hate am if i dey fight make person dey seperate, or dey hold me say he don do, except i don do wetin dey my mind, orelse i go face you), ”abeg make una no use because of woman kill eachother” one of the neighbours said they tried pulling us apart, evenually they succeeded, ”guy free me” i said, he dragged me outside, ”Kenny calm down, calm down” he said, still holding me tight just as he was calming me down, they brought Esosa out too,”make we rush am go that Chemist, i got infuriated, ”i never do anything una wan go Chemist” i was shouting, forcing myself to reach him, but the guy holding me held on tight, ”guy lemme nah, i go make you buy this fight oo” i was telling him, but the idiot still held me, before he knew it i headed butted him, his hands left my clothes immediately as he held his nose, it gave me room, i picked up a wood i had been timing all the while the guy held me, as i was running to where Esosa was somebody dived me from nowhere, they became two, then three and finally they hold me tight and succeeded in collecting the wood from me.
This thing aint ending here ooo ‘this guy gats learn better lesson’ ”Ken calm down, abeg” one of them said, ”una know wetin em do, shey una know?, i leave my babe with am, person wey i call my roommate, before i show, em don fkkk am, i for no even know, nah condom nylon wey i see” i was shouting, ”where the girl sef” someone asked(i didnt know were Esther hid herself,she was nowhere to be found). ”guy i go hurt you, just watch” i said, i went in, pasted, took my small hand bag, i came out, people were still gathered outside, talking about the issue, as they blamed Esosa for what he did, i walked pass everyone as they all watched, ”Ken Ken Ken” some where calling, i was still boiling, i called Salma it wasnt reachable, then i called Chizzy, i just had to speak with someone that could make me feel good at least something to ease the anger. I needed to chill somewhere, no place seems to be appearing on the mind, i just decided to keep walking then decide later where to go to, i took my phone out and typed him(Esosa) a text ” everyone wants to go to heaven, not for the love of God but for the fear of hell fire, pack your things, leave the house before i come back, if you forget anything, dont come back for it, if not …”the test read, i sent Esther hers too , ”pack your smelling things and leave today, make sure i dont meet you when i get back.


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